Welcome To

The Modern Residence - Chapter 4

The Inspired Intermedia digital book collection

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Page 123 of 153

501 Travis Price Architects WASHINGTON, DC When approaching a project, Travis Price Architects keeps a trio of tenets in mind: ecology, mythology, and technology. By blending all three, the firm—led by environmental pioneer, author, educator, and philosopher Travis Price—can create buildings that don't just satisfy the needs of today, but endure and innovate well into the future. Focusing on the humanity of each structure and using the homeowner's unique story and needs as a guideline in concert with the specifics of the site, Travis Price Architects ensures that all its creations possess a true spirit of place. In addition to striking and eco-friendly residences, the firm has designed AIA award-winning commercial and institutional buildings in the United States, Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Price is responsible for the world's largest solar building and installed the first wind machine in Manhattan, as well as coined the term "passive solar" with his early green architectural works in New Mexico. Since 1975, he has won a litany of design awards, including the coveted Fellow of the American Institute of Architecture Title for his unique contributions to the field of architecture. Today he is based in Washington, DC, but designs, consults, and lectures throughout the country and abroad.

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