ABOVE: In this penthouse, we designed a complete build-out of the space, from
the layout of the rooms to the interiors. This niche family area makes an impact
with a floating TV between glass pillars. The stepped ceiling and recessed lights
hide all the mechanical vents and speakers for a polished finish.
ABOVE RIGHT: Throughout the penthouse, we worked to maximize the nearly
360-degree view of the intercoastal waterways, ocean, and city. In the kitchen,
the two-sided bar does just that, with seating positioned to look outside.
RIGHT: In the formal dining room, one of the most eye-catching features is
a wine room constructed of wave-shaped wood, echoing the water outside.
Equally enticing is the mesh chandelier that is almost like fine jewelry, draped
above the handmade dining table.
FACING PAGE TOP: We designed this glass-enclosed dining area with a
360-degree-view as a uniquely striking feature for the massive outdoor living
FACING PAGE BOTTOM: The office looks out onto the terrace and ocean,
again taking advantage of the dynamic view.
Photographs by Carmel and Robert Brandley