Welcome To


The Inspired Intermedia digital book collection

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Contents of this Issue


Page 208 of 217

207 BELOW TOP: A traditional dining room gets its edge f rom the silver chairs, with the patterned drapes creating drama all the way up to the ceiling. There's no other pattern in the room, so hanging the drapes to elongate the walls draws the eye up while adding a stunning sense of movement. BELOW BOTTOM LEFT: The spectacular light fixture, custom made by a true artisan, incorporates all the elements: crystal, gold, pewter, and a rustic charcoal tone. It's a showstopper that doesn't compete with any other piece in the room. BELOW BOTTOM RIGHT: This awkward corner space had no definition, but building in bench seating transforms it into a dining nook that also functions beautifully as a game table. Chalkboard paint adds whimsy while also providing a matte backdrop for the truly spectacular light fixture. Lighting should always flow throughout the house, complementing the furnishings while still making a statement on its own. Photographs by Miro Dvorscak Interiors by B. de Vine Interiors, Houston, TX, page 383

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