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DSDG Architects

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Page 3 of 14

3 Waterf ront Homes I moved to Florida for the same reason that many local transplants do—the weather. Tropical and temperate year-round with stunning beaches, Florida is paradise for warm-weather lovers, and not surprisingly, their homes reflect that. Residences in tropical climates, particularly waterf ront homes, are meant for indoor-outdoor lifestyles in a way that other types of homes are not. A large majority of time is spent in the outdoor living spaces so they must have the same time and investment in design as the living room, kitchen, or any other primary space. Design elements such as massive windows, glass doors, and expansive patios are common features in the homes we create. Why live on the beach if you can't enjoy the sights and sounds of it every day? Like all building environments, coastal living is best appreciated when the homes blend in with and reflect their sites. For beach homes, this usually means a sleek, modern aesthetic works well. It's important to notice, however, that the spaces maintain a comfortable, relaxed ambience—just like the beach itself. Waterf ront homes also demand the use of durable, advanced materials that can withstand the exposure to extreme sun, wind, and water. Although the home sites may be similar in Florida, with many common elements, every home that I design is distinct f rom the others. We've never done a custom home more than once; every home looks and feels new because it reflects the homeowners' specific desires and lifestyles. As you take in each home in this chapter, notice the differences—both subtle and not-so subtle— that make each one completely unique and beautiful in its own way. Mark Sultana DSDG Architects Sarasota, FL see page xxx

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