ABOVE: This pool boasts a teak and stainless-steel diving board, custom made in Belgium. The swimmer wades along a glass-tiled shallow ledge,
where the board rises from the water. The feature wall is clad in large format porcelain tile and houses a cantilevered gabion box filled with LED-
lit slag glass. Stainless-steel scuppers sneak through the cage to pour water into the diving ledge.
FACING PAGE TOP: The view from the fire pit seating area allows the eye to wander across the fire, the spa, floating stepper pads, and the pool—all
the way to the LED-lit bubbler fountains and the covered dining area beyond. To the left, centered on the main view from the home, a 14-foot-
wide, LED-lit rain-curtain water feature fills the space with the soothing sound of falling water.
FACING PAGE BOT TOM: Floating Lueders limestone stepper pads separate the spa area from the main pool while creating a path across the water
to the pool cabana. Porcelain paver decking brings a modern, durable surface for the pool area.
Photography by Jimi Smith Photography
Designed by Randy Angell Designs, Plano, TX, page 319