Welcome To

Part 2 of Inspired Outdoor Living Book

The Inspired Intermedia digital book collection

Issue link: https://inspired.uberflip.com/i/1493126

Contents of this Issue


Page 114 of 149

290 Inspired Outdoor Living ABOVE: Downlighting softly fills in the landscape surrounding the river that sweeps through this entire landscape space outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Most of this lighting is tree-mounted fixtures, including the stronger focal lighting at each level wall and waterfall. I start my design with downlighting, as it provides the human-level effect. FACING PAGE LEFT: On Long Island, this hidden and sunken walk creates another private space. Miniature LED fixtures tucked into the walls create accent lighting and reveal the stone detail. Tree- mounted downlights fill in the wall, balancing the accent lighting and spilling onto the path. Up-lit trees show the extent of the walk's depth. FACING PAGE TOP RIGHT: Part of landscape lighting design is selecting what to light and what to leave in darkness. Here, two large trees frame the view from the pool patio to the home. At right, another up-lit tree marks the end of the path between the back patio and the pool area. FACING PAGE BOT TOM RIGHT: Individual large trees have so much personality. Here, a combination of up and down-lighting shows the trunk, which ties the canopy to the ground, as well as the branching structure and the extent of the canopy. Selecting an element to reflect in the pool always surprises and delights—leaving pool lighting off. Photography by George Gruel Designed by Janet Lennox Moyer Design, Rio Verde, AZ, page 316 Details

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