Inspired Outdoor Living
TOP LEFT: We used warm-season grasses paired with jewel-tone perennials to create color, texture, and movement
in a sunny garden spot.
TOP RIGHT: Adding hardscaping into landscape design allows for the creation of a new outdoor "room"—or a
serene, shady spot to rest and enjoy all the visitors in your new native garden. Trees and grasses add a strong
vertical element.
BOT TOM: Pathways lead you on a journey through your new garden while fences can create outdoor "rooms."
FACING PAGE TOP LEFT: Water is an important element in a conservation landscape. Adding a water feature
will delight the birds and other wildlife and has the added bonus of providing soothing sounds to your tranquil
outdoor space.
FACING PAGE TOP RIGHT: It's important to us to create a garden that can be enjoyed by both wildlife and people.
Your garden should be full of new things to discover each season, bringing people and nature together.
FACING PAGE BOT TOM: Traditional foundation plantings can be reimagined by planting native trees, grasses, and
perennials that both complement your home and benefit wildlife.
Photography by Mar y Pat Collins Photography
Designed by Native Plant Landscape Designs, Falls Church, VA, page 318