ABOVE: An undulating border, carved from beds of spiked salvia and white Shasta daisies, builds into evergreens, shrubs, and hedges of varying heights, giving the garden
a romantic atmosphere and creating a sense of privacy for the lawn. These types of compositions are inspired by the mixtures of wild seings, heightened by planned color
palees and textures.
FACING PAGE TOP: Clusters of pastel blooms accented with white and yellow bring movement to a backdrop of evergreens. Designing with evergreens ensures there will be
color in the garden year-round, and the curvilinear design eases the boundaries of the landscape and avoids abrupt edges.
FACING PAGE BOT TOM: Gradual layers of grand evergreens and neatly trimmed hedges and shrubs give character and depth to corners. This design balances shaped and
freeform plants to give an elegant but not overly manicured look.
Photography by Frederico Azevedo
Designed by Unlimited Earth Care, Bridgehampton, NY, page xx
Landscape Architecture