Welcome To

Spry Architecture

The Inspired Intermedia digital book collection

Issue link: https://inspired.uberflip.com/i/1498398

Contents of this Issue


Page 4 of 15

5 ABOVE & FACING PAGE RIGHT: Climate and topography are guiding factors in my design process. The Fisher-Molaver house is a three-story modern design on a Phoenix hillside lot. The lower story is a garage and utility space, while the top two stories house 3,000 square feet of living. Twenty-two feet of glass enclose the western view under deep overhangs to protect f rom the desert sun. The home's geometry follows site conditions while orienting to the south and west views. FACING PAGE LEFT, ABOVE & BELOW: Minimalism guides the home's interior design. Richly textured materials wrap the kitchen, highlighting the simplicity of the cabinets, countertops, and backsplashes. The stair is stripped down to exposed steel stringer and wood treads with a barely-there glass rail. Renderings by LAS Design Scan this QR code for a video tour of this home.

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