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Inspired Kitchens & Baths - Section 2 - Bathrooms

The Inspired Intermedia digital book collection

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Page 50 of 145

278 I love to start with a feeling when I design a bathroom. It's like setting a compass for your design journey, acting as a guiding light while helping you make decisions that align with the desired ambience and atmosphere. Whether it's a cozy, tranquil, vibrant, or elegant feeling you aim for, the feeling informs the process to achieve the ultimate design goal cohesively and beautifully. Here are six essential points that guide this process of design: 1. Direction: The colors, textures, and overall aesthetics of a space are informed by the feeling you want to create. For example, if you want a cozy space, you might opt for warm colors, soft textures, and comfortable furniture. 2. Consistency: When you start with a feeling, it's easier to maintain a cohesive look across different elements. This prevents the space f rom feeling disjointed or chaotic. 3. Decision-making: With a specific feeling as your goal, it becomes easier to filter through design choices. Decision-making becomes simplified when you consider, 'Does this contribute to the feeling I want to evoke?' 4. Personalization: Your feeling is likely unique to you, so it helps infuse a personal and purposeful touch into the design. 5. Client Understanding: For designers, starting with a feeling helps us understand clients' desires. Clients might not have a clear idea of design elements, but they usually know the feeling or mood they want a space to evoke. 6. Coherence: A space designed with a particular feeling tells a clear story. It creates an emotional connection for those experiencing it, leaving a lasting impression. Remember, the feeling you start with doesn't need to be rigid; it can evolve as you delve deeper into the design process. It's a flexible guide, allowing for creativity and adjustments as you experiment with different elements. DESIGNER'S ADVICE Starting With A Feeling Creates Starting With A Feeling Creates Cohesive Bathroom Design Cohesive Bathroom Design by Coco Colin Coco Design & Build Co., Evanston, IL

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