Spry Architecture
Phoenix, AZ
ABOVE & FACING PAGE BOTTOM RIGHT: Too often architecture is defined by what blows away in a strong wind. The P+P Home strips away the unnecessary and gets to
the bony structure to find the inherent beauty of the home. The covered patio has no columns to obstruct the views. Concrete floors continue through the glass to the
covered patio. In the master bathroom, sinks sit atop red Chroma by 3Form, reflected in double mirrors.
FACING PAGE TOP LEFT, TOP RIGHT & BOTTOM LEFT: Some of the most introspective thoughts on suburban architecture come f rom the beloved children's book The Big
Orange Splot. I carry some of Mr. Plumbean's sentiments into my designs for homeowners: "My house is me and I am it. My house is where I like to be and it looks like all
my dreams." The P+P Home is a great example of this, with vivid color that drives the aesthetic, including countertops made f rom Chroma. Floor-to-ceiling glass connects
the interior to the exterior covered patio.
Photographs by Scott Sandler
See more about Spry Architecture on page 463
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